If you are a new student who has not registered for classes, please DO NOT fill out this form. You will get automatic access after you register for classes. It might take up to a week after you have registered for classes to get access.
Registrations are reviewed during office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. It can take at least 24 hours to be approved. You will receive an email when your account has been confirmed/approved. YOU MUST VERIFY YOUR RIT EMAIL BEFORE YOU ARE APPROVED.
Dubai, Croatia, Kosovo and Bejing Campus students please DO NOT fill out this form. Go to your Career Services website on your campus.
This will be found at https://www.rit.edu/myrit/home and "Show UID"
MUST USE student/alumni ACTIVE RIT email address. All gmail, yahoo, aol, etc. will cause your registration to be automatically rejected. Alumni can get an RIT email address at start.rit.edu and click on Alumni Access. Format to log in is @rit.edu.